Should You Use a Sauna Before or After Your Workout? Or At All?

Using a sauna can be beneficial both before and after a workout, but it’s generally more advantageous to use it after exercising. Post-workout sauna use helps with muscle relaxation, aids in recovery, and enhances cardiovascular adaptations due to the body’s response to heat stress.

Similarly, engaging in gentle, low-impact exercises like rebounding can also promote relaxation and aid in recovery, especially when performed in the evening.

While using a sauna before a workout can warm up muscles, it shouldn’t replace a proper physical warm-up.

What Happens When You Sit in Sauna?

When you sit in a sauna, your body reacts similarly to how it would during physical exertion. The heart rate increases, body temperature rises, and there is significant sweating. This process triggers the release of hormones like noradrenaline and growth hormone.

Typically, these sessions last between five to 20 minutes, depending on an individual’s experience and tolerance to heat.

Health Benefits

Research indicates that frequent sauna use can significantly reduce the risk of fatal heart disease and overall mortality. Those who regularly use them, especially those who use them four times a week, also show a reduced risk of dementia.

Additionally, this kind of bathing can alleviate inflammation and pain associated with conditions like arthritis. Importantly, these benefits are enhanced when combined with regular aerobic exercise, offering additional cardiovascular protection.

Enhance Your Athletic Performance

Should You Use a Sauna Before or After Your Workout - health and fitness

The impact of sauna use on athletic performance is notable. Studies have shown that athletes, such as distance runners, who use these rooms post-training can see significant improvements in endurance and time trials. This is attributed to the physiological adaptations that occur in response to the heat stress imposed by the sauna.

These adaptations are similar to those acquired through high-intensity physical training.

Use It as a Recovery

Sauna use can also play a role in post-exercise recovery. The heat helps in muscle relaxation and can alleviate muscle soreness. This makes it a valuable tool for athletes or individuals engaged in intense physical training.

However, it’s important to balance the usage of these rooms with adequate hydration and nutrition to support recovery.

Long-Term Health Implications

Regular sauna use has been linked with long-term health benefits, including reduced risks of hypertension, improved respiratory function, and better mental health. The stress-relieving aspects of this kind of bathing can also contribute to overall well-being, making it a holistic tool for health maintenance.

Before and After Workout Effects

The timing of sauna use in relation to workouts can influence its benefits. While some prefer using it before exercising to warm up muscles, post-workout sessions might be more advantageous.

After a workout, the body is slightly dehydrated, which, when combined with the heat of a sauna, can stimulate various physiological responses. These include increased production of EPO and plasma volume, enhancing blood volume and performance.

Post-workout use is also a strategy for athletes training for events in hot climates or high altitudes, as it helps in acclimatizing to such conditions.

Before and After Workout Effects

Implementing Sauna Bathing in Your Routine

To maximize the benefits of this kind of bathing, it is recommended to use the sauna daily for a week, gradually increasing the duration from 5-10 minutes to 25-30 minutes. It’s important to adjust workout intensity during this period to avoid overtraining.

The session should ideally follow within 30 minutes of completing a workout. During this time, it’s advised to avoid drinking fluids (except for a protein recovery drink) to maintain a mild state of dehydration, which is key to the technique’s effectiveness.

Safety and Precautions

While sauna bathing is generally safe for healthy individuals, certain conditions warrant caution. These include muscle or joint issues, recent alcohol consumption, and certain cardiovascular risks.

It’s crucial to listen to your body and exit the room if you feel uncomfortable or unwell at any point. Individual responses to sauna bathing can vary. Factors like personal health, fitness level, and tolerance to heat should be considered when incorporating these sessions into a fitness routine.

It’s important to start with shorter sessions and gradually increase the duration as one becomes more accustomed to the heat.


Can sauna use help with weight loss?

Yes, this can contribute to weight loss, but it’s primarily through water loss due to sweating. The calorie burn experienced in a sauna is relatively small and mostly comes from the body’s effort to cool itself.

For sustainable weight loss, it should be combined with a healthy diet and regular exercise.

Is it safe to use a sauna if I have high blood pressure?

Individuals with high blood pressure should consult their doctor before using these rooms. While sauna use can improve cardiovascular health over time, the immediate effect of high heat can increase blood pressure, posing risks for those with hypertension.

How does sauna use affect skin health?

The sweating process helps to cleanse the pores, potentially improving skin clarity and texture. However, it’s important to shower and cleanse the skin after sauna use to remove sweat and toxins from the skin’s surface.

Are there any specific hydration recommendations for sauna users?

Yes, it’s crucial to stay well-hydrated if you’re using these rooms. Drink plenty of water before and after your session. Avoid alcohol and caffeine before using a sauna, as they can increase the risk of dehydration.

Can sauna use benefit mental health?

This kind of bathing can have a relaxing effect, which may benefit mental health. The heat can help reduce stress levels and promote relaxation, potentially aiding in the management of conditions like anxiety and depression. Keep in mind that it should not replace professional mental health treatment.

Is there an optimal frequency for sauna use to maximize health benefits?

While the optimal frequency can vary based on individual health and fitness goals, using a sauna 2-4 times a week is generally considered beneficial. Consistent use is key to experiencing the long-term cardiovascular, relaxation, and recovery benefits of this kind of bathing.

However, it’s important to listen to your body and adjust frequency based on personal comfort and health conditions.

The Bottom Line

Incorporating sauna bathing into a fitness routine can offer numerous benefits, from enhanced athletic performance to improved cardiovascular health and recovery. It’s a versatile tool that can be tailored to individual needs and preferences.

As with any health practice, it’s essential to approach sauna use with a balanced perspective, considering both its benefits and the need for precautions, especially in terms of hydration and overall health status.